Baby Bump

37 Weeks

What it was like being 37 weeks pregnant and in my third trimester. Click through to read all about weight gain, sleep patterns, and baby movement! #pregnancy #37weeks #pregnant #babybump #thirdtrimester #mommyblogger #momblogger #babygirl

How Far Along:  37 weeks

Gender:  Girl

Weight Gain: 21 pounds.  So happy we were able to stay within the range my midwife gave me in the beginning!

Maternity Clothes:  I’m just starting to realize how much I”m going to miss some of my maternity clothes!  I have a few tops/outfits that I absolutely love, and I’ll be sad when I have to box them up.  But, it will be nice to get back to some of my old clothes too, especially jeans.  I really miss regular jeans.

Sleep:  Becoming less and less.  I started using my pregnancy pillow again and that seems to help.  Praying for a baby that sleeps through the night so I can catch up… But not holding my breath for that to happen either!

Movement:  All kinds of rolling, and a little less kicking.  I think she’s a little too cramped to get a full kick in anymore.

Cravings:  Nothing specific this week, but I still like to use “pregnancy cravings” as an excuse to eat as much Captain Crunch as I like.

Queasy or Sick:  Nope!  A.J. has fought a cold the past couple of weeks, but is finally on the mend before the baby arrives.  Hopefully the cold and flu season has served it’s time at our house and we won’t have to think about it anymore for the year.

Belly Button In or Out?  My 2 year old niece asked me this week if her baby cousin broke my belly button.  Yes, I think this is as close to a broken belly button as you can get!

Looking Forward To:  The barn door is 1/2 way hung up in the nursery (we had a few technical difficulties and need to make a couple more adjustments), and the last project is just waxing the changing table and dresser.  It will be so nice to have the nursery officially DONE, especially after working on it for the past 6 months!

Also, now that we are considered “full term”, I’m looking forward to meeting this little bundle!  However, the suspense of “any day” is KILLING me!  I am loving our weekly appointments (and any excuse to see my wonderful midwife!), and last week at our appointment we found out we were 80% effaced and dilated to a 1 1/2… not much, but progress is progress!

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