Baby Bump

22 Weeks

Did you think I fell off the face of the earth?  I pledged when I started doing these weekly updates that I wasn’t going to get behind, but you know, life happens 🙂  I’ve had some exciting things happening for me with my online business (I’ll expand more later!), and my own personal blog has taken a side line because of it.  I hope to keep you all updated going forward each week, but don’t get too concerned if we go a week (or 4 :)) without a post!

How Far Along:  22 weeks

Gender:  We know, and our friends and family now know, but for the sake of record keeping, you’ll have to wait for my 24 week post!  We had our diaper keg this past weekend (at 24 weeks), so I’ll save it for then!  Be patient!!!!

Weight Gain:  7 pounds

Maternity Clothes:  Yes!  Love dressing the bump!

Sleep:  It’s really been hit or miss.  Sometimes I still sleep through the night, and other times I will be up 2-3 times.  I did purchase a Leech Co pregnancy pillow, and that has definitely helped!

Movement:  Lots and lots of movement!  It is so fun to sit in bed at night and watch my belly move from side to side.

Cravings:  Sugary cereal, which I know is absolutely horrible, but the baby sure enjoys it!  Captain Crunch has been on the top of the list this week.

Queasy or Sick:  No sickness!

Have You Started To Show Yet:  No hiding the bump anymore 🙂

Belly Button In or Out?  Still in.

Looking Forward To:  Not exactly looking forward to, but since this is a late post, at 22 weeks my mom, sisters and I headed to Omaha for the weekend.  We did some shopping and caught iMomsoHard Live, which was absolutely hilarious!

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