Baby Bump

36 Weeks

What it was like being 36 weeks pregnant and in my third trimester. Click through to read all about how I lost weight, found some comfy maternity leggings, and what I’m looking forward to! #pregnancy #36weeks #pregnant #babybump #thirdtrimester #mommyblogger #momblogger #babygirl

How Far Along:  36 weeks

Gender:  Little girl

Weight Gain: 18 pounds.  I’m not exactly sure were the weight loss came from this week (it definitely wasn’t from the 2 pumpkin pie blizzards ;).  But my midwife isn’t concerned, and I’m still measuring on track.  More than likely just a little water weight adjustment.

Maternity Clothes:  I’ve had this tunic tucked away for Fall since June and was so excited to pull it out for a cool fall day!  Also, I found a pair of Motherhood Maternity leggings that I picked up a few weeks ago and I don’t plan on taking them off until the baby comes.

Sleep:  Wondering how many more pillows I can put in our bed before A.J. has to move to the couch… The more pillows the better lately!  My back and belly both need the extra support lately, and between my mountain of pillows and Charlie, A.J.’s “side” of our bed is getting smaller and smaller.

Movement:  It seems like the all though the movement hasn’t slowed down, the kicks aren’t quite as hard as they used to be.  I think she is getting a little squished in there!

Cravings:  Nothing notable this week!  I get full super fast, and I’m hungry an hour later.  Not as much room as there used to be!

Queasy or Sick:  Nope!

Belly Button In or Out?  Out and I’m not sure it’s ever going to go back in! 

Looking Forward To:  We are officially down to one week appointments, and while the hour commute isn’t the most fun, I so enjoy visiting with my midwife!  We have 4 different midwives at the hospital we are delivering at, and they are all so kind and helpful.  I won’t be disappointed even if we don’t get our primary midwife for delivery.  And now that we are officially close enough to the end, I think it’s okay to say that I’m looking forward to this little one’s arrival.  1 more week until we are considered “full term”, and I’m so anxious to see who she looks like!

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