Baby Bump, Baby Girl

35 Weeks

What it was like being 35 weeks along in my pregnancy! Click through to read all about napping, food cravings, maternity clothes, and what I’m looking forward to! #pregnancy #35weeks #pregnant #babybump #thirdtrimester #mommyblogger #momblogger #babygirl

How Far Along:  35 weeks (I can’t believe it as I’m typing it!)  However, we’re close enough to the end now that every time I leave the house I’m afraid I might go in to labor.  This planner is having a hard time playing the wait and see game!  Knowing it could be tomorrow, or it could be over a month is killing me!

Gender: Girl  

Weight Gain: 20 pounds.  I officially had to retire my wedding ring this week, it was just too tight.  I felt naked so I grabbed a Qalo ring off Amazon to hold me over until this little one arrives.

Maternity Clothes:  This is the first week I considered wearing yoga pants to work.  Oofta, this belly is stretched to the max!  I am looking forward to pulling out my fall tunics for church or other dress up occasions.  As for work, I’ve been sticking to my regular jeans and t-shirt routine.

Sleep:  4.  The number of times I got up to go to the bathroom the other night.  How is that even possible?!?!  Either way, when I sleep, I sleep hard.  I don’t feel too overly tired yet, and I’ve caught a few 30 minute naps after work that seem to help.

Movement: All the time and loving it!  I think this little one might have a little bit of a hyper-active personality, but hopefully she settles down when she’s on the outside.

Cravings:  This can go down as the strangest “craving” ever.  I washed my hands with Dawn dishsoap, and it was like I had never smelled it before.  I kept smelling my hands and couldn’t get enough of it.  Like I got this high from Dawn dishsoap.  Who does that????

We did swing through Dairy Queen the other day for a sweet treat and I highly recommend the Pumpkin Pie Blizzard!  I seriously felt like I was sitting at Thanksgiving eat a piece of pie.  Totally delicious!

Queasy or Sick:  Nada!

Belly Button In or Out?  So far out, it’s visible through my shirt.

Looking Forward To:  Harvest!  I get a little itch every year before Harvest, and within a week I’m sick of it, but there’s just something about the anticipation of cooler temperatures, setting out pumpkins, drinking apple cider, meals in the field, and the busy hustle at the elevator.

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