Baby Bump, Baby Girl

34 Weeks

What it was like being 34 weeks pregnant and in my third trimester. Click through to read all about food cravings, maternity clothes, feelings, weight gain and more! #pregnancy #34weeks #pregnant #babybump #thirdtrimester #mommyblogger #momblogger

How Far Along:  34 weeks

Gender:  Girl

Weight Gain:  20 pounds.  Staying on track even with a few splurges at the fair this past weekend!

Maternity Clothes:  My husband came home to me in his sweatpants and one of his t-shirts the other day.  Comfort is definitely taking priority over looking nice these days.  It could be a long 6 weeks, for both of us!    

Sleep:  We’ve hit a wall in the sleep department.  I’m usually awake for 1-2 hours in the middle of the night now.  I think part of the problem is Charlie, our dog.  He sleeps with us every night, and for the most part he stays by our feet on top of the covers.  The last week or so he’s been super clingy, and wants to cuddle all night long (and he is a hot box to sleep next to).  I think he knows there’s some serious changes coming and he’s trying to soak up the attention now.  I’m looking at the brightside and considering it “me time” before I have a little lady keeping me company during the middle of the night.

Movement:  Her little feet are constantly in my ribs!  My midwife confirmed last week that she is already head down, and will most likely stay that way until delivery (fingers crossed), so we’re getting used to our new normal :).

Cravings:  BBQ Chicken.  I’m not a huge BBQ fan, but we were at the fair and as soon as I saw the Cookies BBQ stand I had to have a BBQ chicken sandwhich.  And it was delicious.   

Queasy or Sick:  We had a little cold bug go through our house, nothing major.  I’m hoping we can count that as our round of sickness and not have to worry about it when the baby is here!

Belly Button In or Out?  Out, and to a new extreme.  There’s days were my belly looks like a torpedo! 

Looking Forward To:  Putting the finishing touches on the nursery!  Our second crib arrived this week.  Long story short the first crib’s hardware went “missing” (talk to my dog about it!), and since we bought it second hand the company no longer makes the hardware required for that model.  So it’s being turned into another Pinterest project, and I can’t wait to share it with you when it’s finished!  At least it’s not a total loss 🙂  Barn door is constructed, half way painted, and needs to be hung yet.  I’m working on a framed sign to go above her crib with her name (we are 99% settled on a name, so holding off on this project to be one of the last things I do).  I also want to install some rustic/industrial shelves by our rocking chair for books and a couple of picture frames.  My time table is definitely running out to get all these projects done though.  I seriously work on something for her nursery every night, so it will be nice when it is finished and I can have some time back for myself!

Also looking forward to getting our maternity pictures back.  We had the most beautiful night (although we could have gone without the mosquitos!) and perfect scenery, and I can’t wait to share them with everyone!

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