Baby Bump

28 Weeks- 2nd Trimester Wrap Up

I can’t believe we can officially say good-bye to the second trimester!  This has definitely gone by so fast, and I just wish time would slow down… But at the same time, we can’t wait for this little girl’s arrival either!  I went through all my pictures from the second trimester and I can’t believe how much she has grown.

As bummed as I am that this is going so fast, we are so blessed with a healthy, growing babe!  I’m starting to realize that our countdown is really on, and that in 12 weeks she will be here!

How Far Along:  28 weeks

Gender:  GIRL

Weight Gain:  I totally forgot to weigh myself this week.  It has been nice to not worry so much about the scale, and just go on how I feel!  I will just have to remember to double check at my appointment this week!

Maternity Clothes: The dress I’m wearing this week is actually not a maternity dress, and I’m trying to find as many pieces as possible that will work after baby too!  But as far as tops, pants, etc, definitely wearing maternity clothes! 

Sleep:  Sleep has been okay.  Nothing too uncomfortable yet, and with the help of my pillows I’m still getting 6-7 hours every night.

Movement:  I’m loving all the sweet baby kicks!  I’m feeling all kinds of rolling too, so maybe we will have a little gymnist on our hands! 

Cravings:  I had a craving this week, and totally can not remember what it was now.  I guess we can say pregnancy brain is in full effect!  I feel like I could eat all the time though!  I’m trying to up my water intake to distract me from eating everything in sight 🙂    

Queasy or Sick:  I’ve been feeling great!  I thought I had a little bit of an upset stomach the other day, but I think that it was more of a sore stomach from all the stretching going on.    

Have You Started To Show Yet:  Without a doubt!  

Belly Button In or Out?  I know I’ve said this for 3 weeks now, but it could literally pop any second!  Who knows, maybe it will just stay tight and not pop at all!

Looking Forward To:  I have rounded up the tools to get the shiplap installed in the nursery!  I’m so happy with the progress we’ve made (even though it’s been slow), and it’s starting to look like a completely different room just with a coat of paint and new carpet.  Here’s a little sneak peek of our progress so far!

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