Addison Claire, Baby Girl

Addi Claire- 1 Month

Addison Claire is officially 1 month old and has already changed so much. Click through to read all about her "firsts", sleepless nights, blown out diapers, dirty burp cloths and joyous moments! #babygirl #baby #1monthold #babypictures #mommyblogger #momblogger #newmommy

Holy cow, talk about the fastest month of my life!  Didn’t I just post her birth announcement yesterday?!?!  I guess I better get used to time flying from here on out.


It’s so hard to comprehend how much our Addi girl has changed in one month.  We’ve had more “firsts”, sleepless nights, blown out diapers, dirty burp cloths and joyous moments than I can possibly list here!  But I want to try to document as much as possible so we can treasure these memories for years to come!



According to my scale at home, we are officially at 8 pounds!  I was concerned she wasn’t gaining enough, but our pediatrician showed me the chart and she is following right along the growth line for her starting weight.  We are still right at 20 inches (according to our last appointment a week ago), but I think she might have grown a little bit because our newborn sleepers seem to be getting tighter length wise.


I’m exclusively breastfeeding, and I don’t really have too many complaints.  I am very fortunate and have a decent supply, but I’m looking to add some more oatmeal and boost my water intake to ensure that I keep my supply up.  My former dairy farmer of a husband has had more than enough fun comparing my breasts to cow milk bags in the last month, and I don’t see that ending any time soon ;).  We did bring Addi to the doctor a little over a week ago because I had concerns about how much she was throwing up.  Our pediatrician prescribed Zantac, and it has seemed to help with her fussy-ness after eating, but we still puke.  A LOT.  My washing machine was broken and in 3 days I had 40 dirty burp cloths.  I’ve also accepted the fact that I will smell like sour milk for the next few months.


Still in newborn, and some 0-3 month outfits.  We spend most of our days in sleepers, but I started putting some nicer outfits on when we are out and about, mainly because I’m afraid if we don’t wear them now, they might not fit by next week!  Also, I found these adorable bandana bibs on Amazon and LOVE them for the puking problem.  It seriously saves me at least 2 outfit changes throughout the day which means less laundry!


I don’t have a ton for this category this month, but we are definitely seeing some changes.  She is more alert during the day, and recognizes Mom’s voice (and Grandma).  We are still working on recognizing Dad’s voice, but I’m sure we will see changes this next month since he will be home more now that we are basically wrapped up with the harvest season.  Addi loves her bouncer with the vibrating setting, and loves listening to music as well.  She loves her Charlie dog, and he loves her so much too!  I was really worried about jealousy issues, but he is so gentle, yet protective, around her.  She also loves visits from her cousins, and is just mesmerized when they come over to play!  I can’t wait to watch them grow up together!


  • First ride in the tractor
  • First trip to Lord’s Acre (Fall festival at my Grandma’s church)
  • First smile
  • First bath
  • First Halloween- dressed up as a cow!
  • First trip to church
  • First pediatrician appointment
  • First photo shoot


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