Alivia Jade

Alivia Jade- 1 Month


Alivia is growing like a weed!  She is 9 lbs 7 oz (up from 7 lbs 5 oz at birth!).  I invested in a baby scale to keep track, because Addison was so small and didn’t gain weight very fast at all- like 6 oz in the first month!  I found this scale on Amazon and was really surprised at how affordable it was!  I’ve always wanted a chubby baby and I think it’s safe to say we have a little chub on our hands. 


I definitely know where the chunky-ness comes from- this girl eats around the clock!  I had quite the struggle keeping my supply up with Addison, but breastfeeding is going much better this time around.  Alivia eats 3-4 ounces every 2-3 hours.  On top of that, I’m able to put about 15-20 ounces extra in the freezer everyday too with pumping and using the Haakaa while feeding.  My goal is to keep this up until 8 or 9 months and then feed our freezer stash through 12 months.

We visited the NAET practitioner and she confirmed that Alivia had both a dairy and grain intolerance.  She’s received a few treatments and is doing much better!  We have one more appointment to make sure we’re in the clear.  We also started meds for reflux, which has helped immensely.   


I’m officially boxing up our newborn clothes this week and breaking out all our 0-3 month.  I was fully expecting to be in newborn clothes for a couple of months like big sister, but all our newborn clothes are too tight.  We’re also graduating out of newborn diapers this week (as soon as we use up the last few!) and moving to size 1!

Play & Development

As far as play goes, our favorite thing to do is nap. But, we do try to have “awake time” for 60-90 minutes in between naps- which is sometimes a stretch.  This past week we’ve gotten some “real” smiles that are more reactive than a reflux.  Alivia loves spending time in her swing, but usually just ends up falling asleep. 

Big sister loves to “play” with Alivia.  She does patty cake, holds her, and gives her extra pushes in the swing.  We constantly have to remind her not to pick up baby, and that she has to be extra gentle. 


-Trip to the zoo
– Visits to the pediatrician for weight checks and bilirubin checks
– Time away from mom- spent the afternoon at Aunt Bridgets while mom and dad went shopping
– Photo shoot with our favorite photographer Becky

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